In a rush
to Get Started?

Download the Svipe iD app for iOS or Android. Then verify your identity with a biometric document and you will get immediate access to our developer portal. From there, you can configure sample OIDC applications, try the demos, or learn how to integrate with WordPress, Nextcloud, or other applications.

Download the App.

Svipe iD is available for both iOS and Android. Download now and get started by verifying your Identity Document:

Access the Developer Portal.

Login to the Developer portal with your Svipe iD to get OIDC credentials for your app, try out demos, learn how to integrate with sample apps, or read the developer documentation.

Create OIDC credentials for your applications.

Try out an identity document verification.

Try Sample Integrations.

We have documented how Svipe can be easily integrated using OIDC to provide login to WordPress, matrix, Nextcloud, Mattermost and Keycloak. If you’re familiar with how to use Docker and the command line, you could be up and running with a working sample in less than 5 minutes.
Check out the documentation on our developer site